For 15 years, we have been given the opportunity to make a difference for those in need of cleaner air and surfaces. Many of our partners have contributed to this effort, including our Air Oasis associates, resellers and supply chain partners. Together we have been blessed with the opportunity to create unique air quality products that reduce allergens, mold, bacteria, viruses, and VOCs.
Over this time we have taken input and feedback from our customers and various partners to continue to improve our products. Now, as we face the threat of COVID-19, it is humbling to be in a position to join in the fight against this invisible foe.
Let me be clear. We in no way want to overstate our contribution. Rather, we pause in the midst of this incredibly busy and stressful time for our global community to acknowledge our customers, many of whom have courageously dealt with daunting healthcare challenges.
The doctors and healthcare professionals who rely on our air purifiers to complement their medical protocols continue to be tremendous partners. HVAC technicians have used our products for years to help homeowners find relief from a range of issues including mold-related ailments, allergies, and support for a generally cleaner indoor environment. Last, and certainly not least, we salute the associates at Air Oasis who have worked tirelessly to make our products and support our customers with their very best efforts every day.
Beyond making the best, most reliable and effective product we can, at Air Oasis we continue to seek tangible ways to support those in the greatest need of what we have to offer. Examples include the donation of air purifiers to a VA Hospital in Brooklyn, New York and providing meal support for volunteers offering free childcare to healthcare workers.
One of our manufacturing partners has provided us access to facemasks, which we have purchased and will be donating to senior care facilities in COVID-19 hotspots. For a limited time during COVID-19, we are committed to donating $25 for each purifier sold on our website to Samaritan’s Purse emergency medical relief.
Nothing we could do compares to the courage shown by and personal sacrifice of front-line healthcare workers, first responders and other essential workers. We are so grateful. You are our heroes!
Jon Bennert
CEO, Air Oasis