‘Tis The Season’ For The Flu, How To Prepare.

‘Tis The Season’ For The Flu, How To Prepare.

It’s that dreaded time of year: flu season. We’ve all been there; one person in the office (or household) gets sick, then another, and before you know it, you too have been plagued with the pesky virus. Protect yourself and your family by taking a few extra precautions this winter:

  • Get vaccinated- Every flu season varies, and each year a seasonal vaccine becomes available to that season’s strand. These vaccines include the traditional flu shot, as well as a nasal spray vaccine. Prompt vaccinations can help prevent your chances of getting the flu, and thus passing it on to others. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), anyone over six months should plan to receive the flu vaccine early in the season, immediately after it becomes available. The CDC state that most cases of the flu occur starting in October. So don’t wait until it’s too late!
  • Stock your cabinets with supplies- Make sure you have a few basics in the medicine cabinet, especially when you need them most. If you haven’t taken a recent inventory of your medicine cabinet, now is the time. Have items such as tissue, vitamins, antihistamines, and pain relievers in stock. Also, toss any expired medications, as the drug potency won’t be as beneficial. Now, on to your pantry! Soups, teas, and honey are great for staving off colds.
  • Wash your hands- Washing your hands with soap and water is one of the simplest steps to prevent sickness and spreading germs to others around you. Without even knowing it, people are constantly touching their eyes, nose, and mouth. This is how germs to enter the body to make us sick. Germs from unwashed hands can also get into the foods and drinks we consume. Be mindful -- germs from unwashed hands are also transferred to other objects such as: door handles, tabletops, or toys. You get the idea…wash your hands!
  • Eat a balanced diet- Despite all efforts and precautions during flu season, nothing can take the place of a healthy immune system. And, nothing encourages a healthy immune system more than eating a well-balanced diet filled with nutritional value. Consuming protein, fruits, and vegetables ensure that disease-fighting nutrients are fueling your body to combat foreign invaders. Also, don’t forget to hydrate! Drinking the recommended amount of water allows your kidneys to filter out toxins, allow your cells to absorb nutrients and get rid of waste products in your body. If you don’t drink enough water, toxins accumulate in the body, and can weaken your overall immune system.

The flu doesn’t have to be a recurring theme each year, especially when you have products such as the Air Angel to protect your household against germs, viruses, odors, and harmful pollutants! Keep your family safe and germ-free by gifting them an Air Angel. For more information, please visit: https://www.airoasis.com/airangel.


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